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Upping My To-Do List to the Nth Level: How to Maximize Progress

accomplishment challenge pride progress to do list Nov 03, 2023

I am a strong believer in a To-Do List. 

Taking tasks out of my head and putting them to paper means fewer details floating around in my head, and less energy expended when I'm deciding what to do next. Things that often slip my mind actually get done. And while the list is never-ending, it's also easy to put down for a few days because picking up where I left off is a no-brainer.

But to take the whole process from chore to accomplishment, here's my secret:

I present to you

My TA-DA! List

At least once a year, I stop and take a look back. I review my accomplishments - big and small. I take the time to remember the process, the effort, and the cost in time, money, and sacrifice. I sit quietly and recall the fear, the excitement. I imagine how I would feel if, say, one of my kids had done this feat - because that puts some objective perspective on it. 

And I am always amazed.

Most of the things on the list are things I didn't think I could do. Many are things I really had to push myself to get done. Some scared the shit out of me. 

But I am never anything short of gobsmacked by what I've been able to do. Sometimes I was just the coach, I was always as a player, and often I was the whole damn team!

It makes me realize that, if I can do that, then I should be able to do this. 

And I'm more likely to try something new. 

It also fills me with pride, and sometimes even a little awe, at how much I've been able to do. 

I've heard it said that

"We completely over-estimate what we can do in a year.
But we also completely under-estimate what we can do in 10."

Looking back over the last ten years as a widow, I get that!

But I wouldn't if I didn't stop and check my progress every once in a while. 


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