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The First Step in Self-Care is Self-Talk

bullying power self-talk word you got this Mar 11, 2024

Negative self-talk is something I have to pay close attention to, too.

I am very prone to laying into me when I don't feel I've measured up. Typically, I'm very careful to word my criticisms properly. Usually, I am annoyed at myself for not performing at a level which I know I am capable. I get frustrated when I screw up something I predicted, even expected, yet buggered up anyway. 

'Move the coffee cup out of the way.'

'Move the coffee cup out of the way.'

'Move the coffee cup out of the way.'

Annnnd, there goes the coffee cup.

I curse myself using all of my given names.

But I did something stupid, I knew better, and I should have done better. 

What I don't do is belittle my worth. 

There's a big difference between

'OMG, you're an idiot,' and

'F*ck, you do this every time, you're such a friggin' loser.
No wonder no one wants to be around you.

Whoa!! Hold on there, Sunshine!

Who are you talking to like that???

You would never let anyone talk to your kids like that. 

You might even have something to say to someone else saying that to you.

Then why do we put up with hearing it from ourselves??

When we spew this garbage at ourselves, aloud or - yes - silently, we are both the bully and the bullied. Our spirit is at once both the attacker and the attacked. Both the aggressor and the victim.

And we wonder why we're stressed. 

Change the words. 

What would you say to a friend?

One of my Cracked Pots dumps a bucket of glaze?

We make jokes that go on indefinitely. We laugh at her. We help her clean up the mess. We still love her. We tell her we still love her. 

But when I'm on my own and I dump a $300 bucket of glaze? 


I need to pay attention to what I'm telling myself. 

There is power in words. 

Try saying these three little words to someone who's having a tough time:

You got this!

Three simple words.

And watch their reaction. 

It's magical. They want to believe you. If you're right, then yes, they can do this. They didn't think they could moments before. But someone said it's possible. So damn it, it MUST be possible. 

Do it. It's kinda fun. I started doing this to the ladies at pottery. And now I catch them doing it to each other. Makes me smile inside. 

It makes people feel good.

Once you're convinced, try it on yourself.

The next time something comes up that stops you in your tracks...

asking for that raise,

applying for that job,

going on that first date,

tackling a home repair,

opening a jar of pickles, ...

...getting out of bed. 

Tell yourself, 'You got this!'

Think it. Say it aloud. Mumble it under your breath. Doesn't matter.

You got this. 

Make it a habit. Watch what happens.

You got this. 

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