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The Foundation of Self-Care

bullying energy self talk self-care spirit Mar 09, 2024

In recent years, woman have become increasingly aware of the concept of self-care. 

We've learned to take some time for ourselves. Look after our bodies. Clear our minds.

Maybe that's getting a little better. But I think there's a long way to go yet.

I've got a shortcut.

It's not about the mani/pedi's and hair do's. It's not about the time management and organization. It's not the meal planning and scheduling, eating right and exercising.

Sure that's all good stuff.

But the foundation of self-care is found within.

It's found in the words we say to ourselves as we lie in bed rehashing the mistakes of the day. It's found in our reactions to our own shortcomings and failures. It is embedded deep within our acceptance of our character, our physical form, our purpose.

When our thoughts and words toward our most private self are harsh and impatient, even mean and belittling, we are guilty of both being the bully, and accepting the role of victim.

If someone did this to someone we loved, we'd stand up for them. We'd take on the bully and fight them off. 

But we don't do this for ourselves. We perpetuate every external attack we've ever felt, and turn it in on ourselves because we somehow feel that that person who hurt us all those years ago somehow has a greater right to an opinion of our worth than we do. 

Oh how we judge!

But it is never too late to change the dialogue.

To rewrite the words.

  • From cruelty to compassion.
  • From hate to heartfelt.
  • From bullying to brilliance. 

Self-care starts within.

When your spirit expresses love and kindness to itself, you come to believe that you are worthy.

Of love. Of kindness. Of good fortune. Of happiness. 

It is easy to accept a gift we feel we've earned. 

Listen to the words in your head. Listen to the message you're telling yourself, the message you're allowing yourself to believe. 


Change the words.

Empower your spirit with encouragement of love, hope, strength, confidence, potential. Fuel your spirit with energy. 

Because when you glow from within, everything else - and I mean everything - just falls into place. 

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